jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Hi group.

Today to speak of the country that I like visit, is the conuntry is Japan. This place remain to other side of mi country. and ocean pacific.
The wish I go the japance. For his the culture and tradition of the tatoos. In japan was the firts culture in practice the tatoo in the body of people and take up with part of the daily of life.
I like to go japan to the visitit the galery of art to speak of tattoo, visitit of tatooshop of great artis of this style of life. Also go the see the temple of the culture budista.
The truth I dont now cityes of Japan, but see very anime of japan, and there designate very citys as Tokyo, Okinawa and Osaka.
More that go de japanece. Go the worcking and go the estudy. Is go the know and mark my skin whit simbol. Use the technique ancient of tatoo, whith the artis Hiroki Fukunawa and Horishohi III.
Only for that go to the Japan. Nothing more.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Pablo! I hope you can visit some day Japan and learn everything about tattoos!

  2. pabloko i believe that one day you will visit japan, because is important for you, so lets go!

  3. Japan seems to me an incredible country, with a very interesting and different culture!
