viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Hello my friends.

Today speak of one page call Atube Catsher this is one page that unloading directly to your monitor, and have as objetive copy movies, video, song unloding archive and play in good condition and very good image and sound.
The song that listen to and that in my reproductive of song is directyof this page.
The finish time that use for unloading one concert of one band favorite. One concert that be in live and last but of two hour.
Every time that can unloading this platform virtual for to if have movies complete and of tall cuality.
This page the recommend one friends carry out one even of anus and to function very good now that unloadig very song of diferents place of the world, make little unloading one disc of one band isrraely very good. That singvery solid and hangover.
Bye friends and visit this page.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Today going to tell over on of my page favoryte of internet, this page is youtube is one page is this is one page where can see videos musical and situation dangerous, recipes for coockin and see him one wants see. estudy videos about the history of arts of the world. Like this can vi read the text for the univercity like this the understtand.
Also see videos relation whit the tattoos greats artist to level worlwide. His estethic and professional study, technique of cleanliness and healdth. For not have problems infection.
And for ultimate the videos very good are the video of animals, Ilike see his life in
the place in wich the live, who eat. The type of animals exist in the world.
My vidio favorite of youtuve. is the vidio of “ Tarro” one little who fall in byke is very funny.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Hi friend

Today I am going to show and speak on one fotografic tath capture of the city Cuzco Peru. This fotografic take it in the summer of 2015, and extract it in one tatooshop of ones friends That was calling “Mistical tatoo”
This one shop he was in one of the street principal of the city of Cuzco and tapeworm one sigth special to the city, also one can be see sky and see the poin clud wish was over in the city.
 Also I like very watch for this big large window and see the ceiling  and the construction ancestral  of the city of Cuzco, his architecture is amazing and beatifull it only
 bad of this be beatifull fotografic is the antenna of claro not the ruin, but lose the charm of  the front.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015


Today in my blog. Go to speak of ones my bands favorite, the band Spanish Arpa vieja.This band born in the years 2000 in te city espanish Cataluña, this band it created whit the objective which to slant of the music punk It gives one massage rebellious to interest fascist to flavor the dictators  franquista in the Spanish.
Also the littering of arpa vieja one named to who they are deprived of freedom for action subversive, the occupation of house abandoned.

This band actuallity  have six disc.

La papelera (2002)

Písala (2003)

Ladrón de almas (2006)

A patriadas   (2007)

En son de paz (2008)

Directo en Catetsella (2008)

My disc favorite of this band is “Ladron de almas” this disc is very important for me, the littering of this band are very hangover and direct against the fascism.



jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Today I am going to talk about my favorite technologic object, the critical supply tattoo machine, this machine its responsable  of the electrical current that fuels the tattoo machine. The Critical machine were E.E.U.U. By a team  of  investigator, surgeons and dermatologist. Whit the propose of it was the most efficent and delicated for the tattooist for get better results in the healing of the tattoo, lighring colours and more defined lines.
His function in the tattoo result is very important as well in the process of the tattoo result is very important as well in the process of the tattoo because allows that machine don't get overwarmed.
This beauty little object literally changed my life in my works as a Tattoo artista.

This little machine is the one that serves as the machine is in power and not about to collapse and explode.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

Hello companions.
 Today I am going to count part of my plans for this semester, and which are my expectations he gives birth the latter year of career.
 My specialty is experimental painting with the teacher Arturo Cariceo. My personal project inside the workshop was to work classic illustrations water-color, Indian ink and cotton papers which are very resistant to the water. Also take the course of drawing with the same teacher who I believe the only project.
The branch that more I like is the branch of silk-screen printing. Which is a branch cfg. Which I present my personal drawings and illustrations, which it them went on to frames and stamped clothes with my designs.
I am study you of arts but my trade is to be tatuador, I go several years in this work and it has given me the opportunity to know people of other regions and other wees, which invite to me conventions of tattooes and corporal art that are realized in his cities, I have planned some go during the semester.
This one is my last year of career and has been quite very difficult and sacrificed not only for my if not for those who live with me, so I have to give him all my energy, and finish this semester the university.

 I hope that they find very well many regards.

sábado, 10 de octubre de 2015

Gooafternoon :

My name is pablo carrasco I have 27 years old, and study visual arts in Univercidad de Chile.
I was born in the city of santiago, in the year 1987, in the comunne of independencia, north sector of santiago.
Of very child i was interested principally in the drawing and the painthing.
At age 15, and interested the graffitie and started to pain the walls of neighborhood and my city.
at the time who painted graffiti also started to make me tattoos on my body, for a time a friend I gift machines them stop tattooing and thickens to practice them in the shoes of others.
This whole world of colours and graphics of graffiti and tattoos gave way to me I decided to study Visual Arts.